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Photo guidelines

Thanks for assisting us in building the community of free outdoor fitness locations.

To provide the best possible photos for each listing, please follow the photo guidelines below as best as possible.

Types of photos

Location photo

Take one photo that includes all the equipment at the location.

Equipment photo

You can also take a single photo of each piece of equipment.

Photo style and editing


The equipment photos close up so they fit the majority of the photo.


Take the photo on a 45 degree angle to capture the full shape, size and dimensions of the piece of equipment.


Use a bright and punchy filter to make your photo look great.


Make sure your photo has been taken straight. Filters can help after you’ve taken it.


The best image dimension is 4:3.


Take your photo with the sun behind you, check to see that your shadow isn’t in the photo.


Try to capture your photo when there is no one using the equipment. Wait until the person has finished their set, then use nice manners to ask them to move aside for a second.